Girls swimwear sale is on a string bikini designed for lounging on the beach


Girls swimwear sale is on a string bikini designed for lounging on the beach, basically it would be like running in jeans and a sweater. Technically, you could, but you would be much more comfortable in a swimsuit designed specifically for exercise. "For training, the most important factor is form," says Hailey Hewitt, coach of the Asphalt Green Unified Aquatics swim team. “If a suit is too tight, it can jeopardize your ability to swim with proper technique and full range of motion. If it's too big, the suit can slow it down and have a similar effect. "A well-fitting suit is also important to avoid painful irritations, according to Christine Frietchen, a two-time Ironman triathlete and former president of the Brooklyn Tri Club." Chafing happens. When the fabric repeatedly rubs against the skin as you move,” she says. “So to train and compete, you need a tight-fitting suit, so it doesn't move or rub your skin. Frietchen generally suggests looking for suits with narrow straps or straps that crisscross the back "so they don't move or prevent the shoulders from rotating," and with backs that offer "enough coverage so it won't climb." Then she and six other experts including swimmers, coaches, and swimwear buyers share their picks for the best women's training and racing suits including some that are fashionable enough to hang poolside.


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