Our exclusive chlorine proof swimwear will take your water workout to the next level


A great chlorine resistant option is one that contains Lycra. Lycra is always blended with another fabric, usually nylon or polyester, to give it the ideal stretch, fit and resilience to be used as a swimwear material. If you are a frequent swimmer you probably have experienced your swimsuit thinning out over time as the chlorine in the pool eats away at the Lycra in your suit. It may happen relatively quickly or may happen over an extended period of time. It all depends on how careful you are to rinse your suit off as soon as you get out of the pool, and to wash it with some detergent when you get home in order to get out all the chlorine. If your swim suit is not properly washed and there is chlorine left in the suit, the chemicals will continue to cause the bathing suit to deteriorate, even when dry.

We provide all kind of swimwear verity. We have all new styles that new generation want to wear for swimming. Our exclusive chlorine proof swimwear will take your water workout to the next level. Our Chlorine proof Swimsuits let you exercise in pool water while withstanding harsh chlorine chemicals lap after lap at Swimsuits. Visit us for more details.


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